Unicef – Princess Syndrome

Surely, we all know someone who suffers from Princess Syndrome. A girl who suffers from PS lives life as a fairy-tale: focusing only on the pretty things, putting herself as the center of the universe, and obsessing about her looks. It can be fun and whimsical when a girl is a toddler, it can also set the tone for how she develops into a young woman, influencing her self-esteem, her dependence on others, how she takes care of herself and how empowered she feels in her life.

Expecting girls, at age 3, 4, or 5 to understand that life is better if you have solid values, good friends and a healthy lifestyle, in comparison to the princess lifestyle, is unrealistic.

Creative Director / Art Director: O. Hernan Bogado  
Associate Art Director: Siu Ying Wong  
Strategy Director: Maria B. Viale  
Copywriter: Daisy Serafini  Executive 
Producer: O. Hernan Bogado  
Director: Kunkanda Phukchampa  
Associate Director: Kevin Miller  
Editor: Siu Ying Wong  
Cameraman (DP): Christopher TianYi Wang
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